Les Feldick Ministries
Focused on teaching a two and a half year course that covers every verse of the Bible. Site features newsletters, TV and radio schedules, a Biblical timeline, books and tapes.
From: Christian Ministry/Listings K through L
Date: Apr 9, 2003
Votes: 11
Rating: 9.17
By: John D. Cranford,Jr.
I personally like to hear what Les has to say about the Bible. I believe that it is faith and only faith thru the shed blood of Jesus that wii get you into Heaven. Faith plus nothing, no works will get you there.
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sep 14, 2004
By: Ray Schuh
Teacher is in error as there is ONE GOSPEL & terms of salvation are the same for Jew & Gentile: Faith, Repentance, Confession, Immersion, Faithful Christian life.
Kingdom of God is present in the church. Jesus is prophet, priest & king ruling now from David's throne in heaven. His is a presently existing spiritual kingdom into which one is translated now as were the Colossians in the first century. Col. 1:13
The last days began with the birthday of the church as noted by Peter on Pentecost following Jesus'resurrection as he (Peter) quoted Joel, "this is that... in the last days" etc. Acts 2:16,17.
"Faith alone" is not the way of salvation. See James 2:24 & Mark 16:15,16 & I Peter 3:21.
Date: Aug 30, 2004